When you've grown as a person
And know that you can help others when they're ready
You're constantly letting others believe that they are a universe within
You're reassuring them that they don't have to rely on anyone
What you're also doing is looking within and making sure you're walking the talk yourself
Check in on your own counsel
Demeanour and the way you hold yourself
Showing up is all good and well
Taking a break is a must too
As well as chores, other roles you play and the goals you set yourself, you may get tired of the overwhelm of emotions
The feeling of being barricaded in your own thoughts and limiting beliefs
You have told yourself you're an achiever and how are you achieving that label
What are you doing to overcome the barriers that noone else sees
Anyone can pick up a stone from the path, to make a journey easy,
Do you have the inner strength to face the real emotions and beliefs that you should be holding to be where you want to be
Know what you are in control of and also know that the determination you hold is not always going to be the same every day
Reach out